
PJM Economics has worked with most of the electricity and gas companies, as well as with research bodies, on research aiming to measure customer preferences and service level valuations and incorporate them within business plans.  This has included multiple studies to support Stakeholder Engagement and Consumer Vulnerability (SECV) submissions, as well as RIIO2 business plan submissions.

Our work in the energy sector has included:

  • Multiple stated preference studies for electricity distribution network operators focused on valuing a variety of initiatives for inclusion in business plans and SECV submissions.
  • A study for National Grid focused on testing the acceptability of its plans for mitigating the impact of power lines in areas of outstanding natural beauty and national parks.
  • A study for Imperial College focused on customer preferences, and privacy concerns, with respect to smart meters
  • A study for the University of Cambridge focused on exploring potential take-up of smart energy solutions by households in England.

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